Sunday, December 6, 2009

96. Maintain to-do list for two months

96. Maintain a to-do list for two months.

I work so much better with a list in front of me, but I'm not sure how to qualify "maintaining" one. Ideally, I would have a fancy phone app that held all my to-do stuff, calendar and reminded me when things needed to happen, but my phone isn't cool enough for that. I'll get a new phone in February, though, and I'll definitely look into good organizational programs when I get one.

In the meantime I'm going to try to keep one on the sidebar here, because another thing that motivates me is knowing someone might be watching.

So the plan is to strike out anything I accomplish and then at the end of the week, wipe out all the strike outs and start a new list. I think I'm going to only put things on the list that I HAVE to get done that week or that I reasonably expect to do. Like, I need to clean my carpets, but that's not something I expect to be able to do next week. Still, I guess I should make a master list somewhere, so if I find myself with nothing to do I can have a reminder of other things that need to get done.

When I wipe the list I'm going to move the stuff I completed to another list so whenever I'm feeling like I never do anything productive I can look over it and see that it's not true.

Maybe I'll do that here.

Week Ending 12/29/09

°Return library books
°Go Christmas shopping
°Pack up craft supplies for the move - Decided to save this for after the new year.
°Prepare guessing game for writers' group Christmas party

Week Ending 12/13/09

°Go get heartworm meds for Bruster
°Mail Ray's helmet and e-mail him tracking number
°Make regional donation to NaNo and send donor goodies to winners
°Go Christmas shopping
°Get Mom over to figure out new craft room configuration. This one became moot, since we're moving.

Week Ending 12/6/09

°Make Christmas list
°Make goodies for TGIO party
°Get more prizes for TGIO baskets
°Get everything together for Kara for the TGIO
°Contact library about meeting space paperwork
°Seam and stuff pillow for dad
°Make dentist appointment for crown prep
°Book neuter for Charlie


  1. Good job on the to-do list! On the iPod Touch I've downloaded an app called "Awesome Note" or something like that which is pretty neat. I don't use it nearly as much as I ought to, but I haven't written as many lists recently, either. Yay for organization!

    And this reminds me, I really need to blog tonight. It should be easy because K has to work overnight, so I'll have a few hours after he leaves before I get tired probably and can work on that. And my index card catalog. hehe!

  2. Having blue hair in Memphis was exactly what Kyle suggested, too and I think it's a perfect solution. Will you want to help me dye it or should I have Kyle help me before we leave?
