Sunday, May 23, 2010

May check in

I just sat down to review my list and found that there are things on the list I'm working on independently of the list. As in, I find things on the list that I'm working on because I wanted to work on them and had kinda forgotten they were even on the list.

1. Read 100 new books (5/100)

I actually think I've read more than this, but I guess they haven't stuck with me.

4. The Hunt for Atlantis by Andy McDermott.
5. The Iron King by Julie Kagawa

25. Eliminate all clothing that doesn’t fit.
I'm working on this one - I have a garbage bag full of stuff that is going to Goodwill. But I'm still hanging on to some stuff that I would like to wear again when I can fit in it. The good thing about this goal is that if, when my 1001 days are over I still can't fit in those clothes, then that'd be a good time to just chunk them.

26. Do 200 sit ups (

I'm on week 4.1 of the program! I say 4.1 because I didn't pass the test to go on to week 5. So I have to do week 4 over again. Obviously that means I won't be hitting 200 push ups in six weeks, but I'm gonna stick with it until I can. My husband has been doing the program with me (he's moving on to week 5) and that has helped a lot. We're also doing the 100 push ups program (

28. Lose 10 pounds (0/10)

Since starting the push ups and sit ups programs I seem to have gained weight. I'd like to think that's because I'm gaining muscle, but it doesn't make me feel any better when I step on the scale. I just purchased a bike and am hoping to use it often. So far I've ridden it twice and it was a definite work out. So we'll see.

42. Exercise every day for a month

Hey this one's almost complete! We're doing the push ups on opposite days from the sit ups and at first we had days off, but now I'm doing an exhaustion test at the end of every week, which means I've exercised every day for at least three weeks. I should start tracking this...

44. Complete a New York Times Crossword Puzzle

This was actually supposed to be "Complete a SUNDAY NYT Crossword Puzzle. But as it is, I can't even complete the non-Sunday ones. I got a book of them and am practicing.

56. Attempt composting

Done! I made a composter out of an old garbage can a few weeks ago. There's definitely a learning curve. It started to stink earlier this week, so I added some dry leaves to it and that seemed to have helped. I should take pictures.

66. Buy a bicycle

Did this! I got a blue mountain bike I have named Beatrice.

68. Go trail-riding on my new bicycle.

Sorta did this. We were on a paved path but some construction forced a detour which took us on a gravelly trail. Not what I had in mind for this goal, though.

And that's it! I don't like the way this blog is organized, so that's something I'd like to work on. I also think I need to print it out and hang it somewhere so I can actively work on some of the stuff.